TTH ProgramTuesday/Thursday: First-year students in Live Oak's preschool program attend classes two days each week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for three hours per day. Children attend either 8:30am-11:30am or 1:00pm-4:00pm. Generally speaking, children in these classes range in age from 2.5 years to 4 years old. The only prerequisite for students in this class is that they are potty-trained.
Extended-day Option: Students also have the option of attending class for an extended day. If they attend the TTH morning session, they can add on an extended session until 1:30pm. Children in this program must be 3 by November 1st. |
MWF Program
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Second-year students in Live Oak's preschool program attend classes three days each week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, for three hours per day. Children in these classes are either 4 or 5 years old. Children either attend a morning session from 8:30am-11:30am or afternoon session from 1:00pm-4:00pm. *First year Live Oak students are accepted if enrollment allows.*
Extended-day Option: Students also have the option of attending class for an extended day. If they attend the MWF morning session, they can add on an extended session until 1:30pm. Children in these classes are either 4 or 5 years old. |
Activities & Experiences
Sample MWF AM Daily Schedule: 8:30 - Students arrive/Indoor Exploration 9:20 - Clean- Up 9:30 - Circle Time 10:00 - Outdoor Snack/Outdoor Exploration 11:05 - Small Group 11:30 - Pick- Up MWF AM with Extended Day Option: 11:30 - Outdoor Exploration 12:15 - Lunch/Outdoor Exploration 1:15 - Story Time 1:30 - Pick- Up |
What's it like at Live Oak?
Live Oak is a converted house that offers a cozy atmosphere and 4 open-concept rooms to play freely. Our expansive play yard is nestled among mulberry, redwood, and maple trees that canopy over a large sandbox. An apple tree provides bountiful fruit in late Summer that the children get to pick and enjoy. The children also help to plant and maintain a new garden each year and get to experience gathering fresh fruit/vegetables for their snack.
Live Oak's curriculum encourages child centered learning. We believe curriculum that builds upon a child's strengths and interests fosters higher learning.The daily routine remains the same, each day – providing predictability, structure, and uninterrupted play time. The teachers initially set up the environment, but the children will add to it, bringing their own ideas, often collaborating with friends. The children are encouraged to indulge their imaginations and to choose their own activities. We suggest children wear clothes that can get paint splattered, sand filled, and water drenched! |
What sort of activities &
Forrest the MouseOne of the most special experiences of all is influenced by a tiny, imaginary mouse named Forrest. This is a special surprise for all our new Live Oak friends to learn about and we are thankful our parents understand the importance of keeping this a secret once they learn about Forrest, so the children can experience the "magic" of our most tiny Live Oak friend!